A Grain of Moon
Drypoint engraving printed on neutral PH cotton paper. Interfered with silicon carbide and graphite.
55 cm x 48.5 cm
A Landscape on a Grain I
Drypoint engraving printed on neutral PH cotton paper.
48,5 x 31 cm
A Landscape on a Grain III
Drytip engraving printed on neutral PH cotton paper
48,5 x 31 cm
This is the face of The “Fictinal Landscapes” Series where I explore the microscopic view of a grain of Silicon Carbide. The process of that discovery was the biggest motor of the whole project ... the fact of seeing a complex world or image inside something so little, the size of a sand grain, was a complete revelation that made me want to live inside that little grain of matter. The engraving is an in-depth drawing that allows me to know, almost by heart, every point, line, plane and space between lines... and always wondering: what's in the vacuum between lines and points? what could live inside that huge vacuum? I wanted to live there, so I wanted a world made of that material, I wanted a fictional landscape of that material.
One of the facts that I like most about these engravings is that every time I look at them, I get lost in the "contemplation of images within another image", there are new discoveries every time I go through them with my eye, sometimes I see birds, people, mountains, couples, sky movements and again: geographies.
A Landscape on a Grain IV
32 x 24,5 cm
Lost wax engraving printed on neutral PH cotton paper. Reproductions: 15